Myofunctional Therapy
The Goals of Myofunctional Therapy include:
To eliminate or minimize oral habits
Establish nasal breathing
Achieve lip competence
Attain palatal tongue rest position: Anterior AND Posterior
Activate and elevate the back of the tongue
Tone the pharyngeal muscles
Work on functional postural training of the head and neck
Myofunctional therapy helps address:
Tongue tie
Tongue thrust
Open Mouth Posture
Sleep Apnea
What is Myofunctional Therapy??
Myofunctional therapy is the 're-education' or re-patterning of the oral and facial muscles. Therapy includes facial and tongue exercises and behavior modification techniques to promote proper/optimal tongue position, improved breathing, chewing, and swallowing. Whole body health will be positively impacted by myofunctional therapy.
Incorrect Oral Muscle Patterns can cause:
Tongue-tie/Lip Tie
Tongue Thrust
History of orthodontics
Inability to masticate food properly, open mouth chewing
Speech Problems
Periodontal Disease
Forward Head and Neck Posture
High Narrow Palate
Grinding and Clenching, Temporal Mandibular Disorders (jaw pain)
Frequent congestion
Incorrect swallowing may be linked to GERD
Oral tissue irritation
Lack of Lip seal (mouth breathing)
may lead to occlusal dysfunction
Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)
Low, forward tongue rest may be linked to
orthodontic relapse, psychological, cosmetic,
and structural issues
Noxious Oral Habits (thumb/finger sucking,
nail biting, prolonged pacifier)